“Pathways to Spirit” classes offered by Medium Sarah Lemos

   In life we stumble down many paths, but with the right tools we may choose our paths with more intention. In the first class we open our minds to the world of metaphysics. We will be taking a look at the different ways to read universal energy. We will be asking the question: "What are my gifts?" We will be finding the answers through fun tests and games.

   As we step onto this newly lit path with more understanding of our abilities, we find clearer connection to spirit. We will be about exploring the tools we may choose to use, from meditation and dream journals to crystals and energy work. This class gives you a chance to ask "why" or "how"? I hope you join me in opening your mind and heart to new possibilities. Mediumship is one of these gifts! I offer so many fun classes check them all out!

I have taken the Pathways & the Mediumship classes with Sarah, I have also had a healing, several readings & a buttload of mentoring sessions. She has changed my life for the better! I am a much better person for knowing her. I have been calmer, happier & my life has become much less confusing since starting class. If you have the opportunity to take classes/readings/healing with this wonderful woman please do so you will not be disappointed!

- pathways student

Hi, I’m Medium Sarah Lemos

Sarah Newton Lemos has always known she was a little different- as far back as 5 years old she has had the rare ability to both see and speak with dead people, and even a few departed pets. Born and raised in-and-around Salem, this proud small-town Oregonian wants to help others find peace with the way they view death and dying. Her other passion is to empower people to “be who they were born to be and believe that even if you were born in a small town you can still do big things”.

In light of this perspective, Sarah utilizes her unique skills and experience in teaching classes and providing online assistance to help adults and children of all ages to become more comfortable with their budding psychic abilities and/or to live a more healthy and holistic lifestyle. She has been a headliner of “The Ghost Hunters Cruise” since its inception. Where one can travel to exotic and haunted locales via major cruise lines and investigate some of the world's most haunted locations with seasoned professional paranormal investigators.

The crown achievement Sarah is most proud of, is the work she has completed on a few of Travel Channel’s spooky television programs. As co-host of “Ghosts of Morgan City”, Sarah and the team helped local residents get to the bottom of their often terrifying paranormal experiences, some that have their plagued families for generations. Not only was the team able to bring peace and closure to these families, but they also captured one of the most compelling examples of a full-bodied apparition ever caught on video. It is this body of work and her strong reputation that had creators call her in to consult on a few episodes of “Portals to Hell”; and the 2020 Halloween Special “The Osbournes: Night of Terror”, where she was able to help the youngest Osbourne with her own burgeoning psychic abilities.

Sarah Lemos is an internationally recognized Psychic Medium, Paranormal Investigator, and Metaphysical Educator. Her classes are taught on 3 continents and her messages from departed loved ones have brought peace to the grieving the world over